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Tuckwiller Named Deputy Administrator for AMS Commodity Procurement

  • Thursday, August 23, 2018 3:20 PM
    Message # 6636012

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    USDA Names Dave Tuckwiller Deputy Administrator for Commodity Procurement Program

    The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) today announced the appointment of Dave Tuckwiller as Deputy Administrator of the Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS), Commodity Procurement Program (CP). The CP Program manages the annual purchase of more than $3 billion of domestically produced and processed meat, poultry, fruit, vegetables, dairy, grains and oilseed to support American agriculture and provide safe, nutritious food for a variety of federal and state nutrition assistance programs.

    “Mr. Tuckwiller’s years of experience managing both the purchase and distribution sides of USDA commodity procurement make him the best person for the job,” said AMS Administrator Bruce Summers. “He has the right background to lead a dynamic team that delivers great service to our customers, from American farmers to businesses that help supply food to assist families in need.”

    Tuckwiller has been serving as the Associate Deputy Administrator of the Commodity Procurement Program. He joined AMS in 2004 following 12 years at the USDA Food and Nutrition Service, Food Distribution Division. He also has served as the Executive Director of the Web-Based Supply Chain Management System (WBSCM), which is used to manage all supply chain aspects of federal agricultural support, nutrition, and food aid programs. 

    Tuckwiller earned his degree in accounting from Liberty University. A native of Stafford, Virginia, he still resides there with his wife and three children.

    More information on the program is available on the Commodity Procurement Program pages of the AMS website. 

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